Financial Aid: FAFSA / WASFA & CSS Profile

Resources to help you with your WASFA, FAFSA, CSS Profile, and more!


Want Support completing a FAFSA or WASFA?

If you are ready to get started completing your FAFSA or WASFA and want additional resources and updates provided by the Washington Student Achievement Council to complete your application, click on the padlet below for everything you need in one spot.

FAFSA and WASFA Application Resources

24-hour text support

If you have questions on your Financial Aid application, but don’t have direct access to a professional who can help, ask Otterbot!

How do I get started?

OtterBot for students

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OtterBot for parents

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How can OtterBot help me?

12th grade learning objectives – Acting/applying

11th grade learning objectives – Preparing

10th grade learning objectives – Educating

9th grade learning objectives – Informing

Supporting your student(s) in the college planning process and navigating financial aid.

OtterBot en español:

  • Envíe un mensaje de texto "Hi OtterBot" al 360-928-7281 (estudiantes) o al 360-634-0354 (padres). Cuando responda, escriba "#language" y envíe. Cuando se le solicite, escriba "Spanish".

If you’re not quite ready to get started, we highly recommend starting at for beautifully detailed and clear information on navigating a variety for Financial Aid questions.