Fall 2021 Internship Opportunities

6 Internships Available in Fall 2021

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We are a non-profit on a mission to level the socio-economic playing field by supporting students from under-served communities to achieve their career and college dreams. We do this by providing resources, personal and academic support workshops, mentorship, comprehensive financial aid literacy training, and college/training/career advising to succeed in college and beyond. We would love an opportunity to interview you if the following position descriptions connect with your learning goals and career aspirations. 

Core Competencies Required of All Interns:

To perform successfully, the intern should demonstrate and/or show willingness to grow in the following areas:  

  • Sensitivity: Communicates empathy and respect of individuals; ability to be appreciative of diverse perspectives and experiences

  • Change Agility: Able to embrace needed change; effective in the face of ambiguity

  • Learning Agility: Seeks to improve knowledge, skills, and abilities in related service areas; implement core principles and reflective practice

  • Integrity: Must be honest and take responsibility for actions; ability to set healthy limits

  • Relationship Building: Recognize importance of relationships; devote energy to cultivating relationships

  • Organize & Planning: Plan and organize so that work is accomplished effectively; prioritize multiple competing tasks; maximize use of available time

Please click on the Internship positions listed below to learn more:

DVR & Mentorship Internship

DVR Internship

DVR, Social Media, & Grants Internship

Lead Social Media & Operations Internship

Instructions for applications are provided at the bottom of each document listed above. Positions are also listed on Western Washington University’s Handshake platform. Thanks for your interest and we hope to hear from you soon!