Story by Brittany DeLaney
Colby is a junior who attends Western Washington University. He started his journey by participating in a mentor program through the Student Outreach Services provided by WWU and eventually expanded his involvement to intramural sports such as soccer, flag football, basketball, and softball. Not only does he play video games and go to the gym in his free time, he also has a part time job while balancing his education. I had the pleasure of interviewing him to find out what helped him make the jump from High School to Western Washington University and asked for advice he has for high school students now contemplating college.
“ Don’t be afraid to talk to your advisors and attend office hours”
Can you tell me any initial thoughts you had before deciding you wanted to go to college?
“Initially I was really happy to actually be applying to college. I had no initial plan until my high school advisor brought it up actually. They asked if I was interested in going to college and from there I decided why not and ended up really happy with my decision”
What was it like to transition from high school to college?
“The transition for me was actually pretty difficult. I wasn’t aware of all that came along with college. The personally created schedules, the independence that I suddenly had. Like making meals and figuring out self-care”
Did you have any challenges while in college?
“A challenge I faced was not being able to have a relationship with my professors while being in large lectures. However I was able to utilize resources such as S.O.S and their advisors”
Thank you Colby for sharing your story and advice with us today and we wish you the absolute best as you head into your senior year at WWU.
If you have advice for incoming students attending a 4 year university, or are a high school student who has a question please leave your comments and questions below.